The Pier Shareware 9
The Pier Shareware #9 (Pier Exchange).ISO
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ThePier Select
Version 2.0
Copyright (c) 1993-1995 RoboSoft Systems
All rights reserved.
ThePier Select will work with a Pier Exchange Shareware CD-ROM to
allow you to randomly add a specific number of files from the CD to
your filebase. New Pier Exchange CDs are released every three to
four months. Since each CD contains about 4000 files, you should be
able to add about 40 files a day to your BBS on a continuous basis.
(This assumes you'll be purchasing future editions of the Pier
Exchange CDs when they become available.)
The point of this, of course, is to make your BBS look like it's
getting a _lot_ of uploads. If you've been a sysop long, you know
there is a bit of a catch-22 when it comes to uploads. Callers tend
not to upload if you don't have a lot of new files each time they
call. Unless you're already getting a lot of uploads, few callers
will take the time to contribute.
ThePier Select will allow you to add a specific number of files to
your filebase. You tell ThePier Select how many files to add and it
randomly selects that many files from the CD and adds them directly
to the filebase (if you're running GAP) or to a PCB-style file list.
ThePier Select maintains a small database of its own so it can keep
track of the files it has already selected. This eliminates
duplicate uploads.
Note for GAP sysops: There are two versions of ThePier Select. One
is multi-node compatible, the other is not. Be sure you use the
correct version for your system. Non-GAP sysops needn't be concerned;
either version will work fine.
IMPORTANT: This version of ThePier Select is compatible _only_ with
the databases included with The Pier Shareware #4 and above. The
Pier Shareware #4 includes databases for all previous Pier Shareware
CD-ROMs, so this shouldn't be a problem.
ThePier Select is provided AS IS without any warranty, expressed or
implied, including, but not limited to, fitness for any purpose.
Use of ThePier Select, and the consequences thereof, are entirely
your risk. In no event will RoboSoft Systems be liable for any
damages whatsoever resulting from the use of ThePier Select.
ThePier Select is being distributed as a freeware bonus to any
sysop who owns a Pier Exchange CD-ROM. ThePier Select is
copyrighted software and RoboSoft Systems reserves all rights
pertaining to that copyright, but you may use this software
without payment of any fee.
If you are a GAP sysop, please consider registering one or more
of the GAP-specific utilities from RoboSoft Systems. You'll
find a description of these programs in the file GAP-PRO.TXT.
ThePier Select may be freely distributed on any Bulletin Board
System (BBS), including commercial systems such as CompuServe (CIS),
Genie, and BIX. ThePier Select may be distributed by diskette by
any organization or disk distributor as long as the fee for this
distribution is no greater than $5.
Feel free to pass around copies of ThePier Select, however, please
distribute all of the original files and do not modify any of the
Instructions for Use
Using ThePier Select is a two-part process. You must first build
ThePier Select database using PRESELCT.EXE. PRESELCT uses
ThePier database included on the CD to build a local database.
(There are two separate databases involved here. What is referred
to here as ThePier Select database is the local database built by
PRESELCT. It resides in the directory with the rest of ThePier
Select files. It's fairly small, about 35k, and contains just
enough information to locate the files in the large database.
ThePier database is the large database included with ThePier CD and
used by ThePier CD-ROM Access Program. It contains complete
information about all the files on the CD and will normally reside
on the CD.) Before running PRESELCT, you need to find ThePier
database on the CD and write down the directory path. (It should
be in the directory THEPIER off the root, but you should check to
be sure.) PRESELCT will ask for this directory path and will then
quickly run through the files in ThePier database. ThePier Select
database is in the file PIERSLCT.DAT. If you want to use ThePier
Select on more than one CD at a time, you'll have to set up one
directory for each CD and keep copies of ThePier Select files in
each directory.
Once you've built ThePier Select database, you can use SELECT.EXE to
randomly select files from the database. SELECT uses the local
database to select the random file and then retrieves the detailed
information about that file from ThePier database on the CD. So
both the local database and the large database on the CD must be
available when running SELECT. If you run a GAP BBS, SELECT can add
the selected files directly to your filebase. If you don't run GAP,
SELECT will add the selected files to a PCBoard-style file listing.
It's up to you to figure out how to get the files in that listing
into your filebase.
SELECT is controlled via command line parameters. Each parameter
should be preceded by a slash (/) or a dash (-). The parameters may
be in either upper or lower case. The general parameters applicable
to both GAP and non-GAP environments are as follows.
/S# - Optional parameter indicating that files should be
selected only from the specified CD-ROM subject.
Example: "SELECT /S5" indicates that files should be
selected only from CD-ROM subject 5. By default, files
are selected from all subjects on the CD-ROM.
/D - Optional parameter indicating the selected files should
be marked with today's date instead of the actual file
date. This will ensure that the selected files show up
in your filebase as new files.
/N# - Optional parameter indicating the number of files to
select. Example: "SELECT /N25" indicates that 25 files
should be selected. By default, ten files are selected
during each run of SELECT.
/P<path> - Optional parameter indicating the directory containing
ThePier database (usually on the CD-ROM). The
environment variable THEPIER can also be used to specify
the path to the CD-ROM database. If no path is
specified, the current directory is used. (The default
action here is almost certainly not what you want.)
Example: "SELECT /Px:\thepier" indicates ThePier
database is in the directory 'X:\THEPIER'.
/R<root> - Required parameter that specifies the root filename used
for ThePier database (the one on the CD). If the
database is in the directory X:\THEPIER and that
directory contains files such as PIER3.D01, PIER3.D02,
PIER3.D03, etc, the root would be PIER3. This parameter
_must_ be specified or SELECT will not be able to open
the database. Example: "SELECT /Rpier3".
If you are running a GAP BBS, the following parameters can be used.
/G - Indicates the selected files should be added directly to
a GAP filebase. The environment variable GAPCNF should
contain the path to the GAP default directory (where
GAPBBS.CNF resides).
/Vx - Required (if /G is specified) parameter that indicates
the drive letter of the CD-ROM containing the files
being added. ThePier database does not contain drive
information, so this parameter is necessary in order to
let GAP know the full path to the selected files.
Example: "SELECT /G /VF" indicates that the CD-ROM is
drive F:.
/L - Optional parameter indicating that existing files
which are duplicated on the CD-ROM should be physically
deleted. SELECT assumes you want to use the files on
the CD in preference to existing files which duplicate
those on the CD. This parameter causes SELECT to
automatically delete the actual files when duplicates
occur. All duplicate files, deleted or not, will be
logged to PIERSLCT.LOG. If you don't use this
parameter, you can review the log and manually delete
the duplicate files.
Also of interest if you're running GAP are two other text-based
files. KEYWORDS.XCL is a list of words, one word per line, that
will not be indexed as keywords. A standard KEYWORDS.XCL is
included with ThePier Select. You can add or delete words using any
normal ASCII editor.
PIERSLCT.XLT is used to automatically translate CD-ROM subjects to
specific area/subjects in your filebase. This allows you to add
CD-ROM files to your existing filebase structure without creating
new subjects specifically for the CD-ROM. Each line of PIERSLCT.XLT
should contain three numbers separated by spaces. The first number
is the CD-ROM subject number, the second number is the GAP filebase
area, and the third number is the GAP filebase subject within that
area. So, if you want subject 1 from the CD to map to Area 0,
Subject 13 in your GAP filebase, add the line "1 0 13" to
PIERSLCT.XLT. Each CD-ROM subject should appear in PIERSLCT.XLT
only once. A default PIERSLCT.XLT is included with ThePier Select,
but it is not designed with a particular CD or system in mind, so
you should edit it to fit your system and the CD you're using prior
to running SELECT. A GAP filebase subject of 0 will cause files
in the associated CD-ROM subject to be completely skipped. (This
may be of use if you want to exclude one or more subjects on the
A good way to do the mapping is to automatically map those subjects
on the CD that obviously correspond directly to subjects you've
already established and to map the rest of the CD-ROM subjects to
your upload directory. You can then review the uploads individually
and place them in the appropriate subject in your GAP filebase. For
instance, if you already have a Communications subject in your
filebase and the CD contains a Communications subject, you'll want
to map the CD subject directly to your filebase subject. But if the
CD contains a single Windows subject and you have multiple Windows
subjects in your filebase, you'll probably want to review the files
individually to decide in which of your Windows subjects they belong.
In this case, you can map the CD Windows subject to your upload
subject and then review the files along with the rest of your normal
If you import directly into a GAP filebase, SELECT will maintain a
log (PIERSLCT.LOG) detailing its operation. The log will list the
files imported by SELECT and will identify any collisions with
existing files.
ThePier Select can also randomly select an uploader name from a
list of names in the file PIERSLCT.NAM. Uploader names should be
entered one per line in this file. You can create a list of
completely fake names or use some of your real users' names if you
like. (It is recommended you use fake names since you may need to
determine the source of a file and it will lead to confusion if you
use real user names.) The "uploader" will not receive any real
credit for the file other than getting his/her name listed as
uploader. There is no switch to control this feature. If
PIERSLCT.NAM exists, the names contained therein will be used. If
the file doesn't exist, all uploads will be credited to SYSOP. You
can put an asterisk in front of the names in PIERSLCT.NAM if you
don't want to deal with updating the uploaders credits when the file
is eventually deleted.
If you are running any system other than GAP, the following
parameters can be used. (These parameters can be used on GAP boards
too, but they have no effect if the /G parameter is specified.)
/A - Optional paramater indicating the selected files should
be appended to an existing file list. The default
behavior is to create a new listing file with each run
/F<file> - Optional parameter specifying the name of the output
file. By default, the file list is output to
PIERSLCT.LST. Example: "SELECT /Fmy_list.out" will
write the data for the selected files to the file
/Cc - Optional parameter specifying a character used to mark
continuation lines within the generated listing. If
this parameter is not specified, no continuation line
marker will be used. Example: "SELECT /C#" causes
SELECT to use '#' as the continuation line marker.
Since the vertical bar commonly used to mark
continuation lines can not be properly specified on the
command line, the /C parameter without a following
character can be used to specify the use of a vertical
bar as the continuation line marker. Example: "SELECT
/C" causes SELECT to use '|' as the continuation line
ThePier Select will only work with CD-ROMs from The Pier Exchange
that contain the RoboROM database used by ThePier CD-ROM Access
Program version 3.x. This database is available on ThePier CD-ROM
#4 and above. Databases for previous Pier Shareware CD-ROMs are
included on CD-ROM #4. They may also be obtained from The Pier
Exchange. The databases are fairly large so a nominal disk and
handling charge may apply.
If you have several Pier Exchange CD-ROMs and want to use ThePier
Select on more than one of them you will need to create a separate
directory for each and copy all ThePier Select files into each
directory. ThePier Select database names are hardcoded and can not
be shared between CD-ROMs, so the files have to be segregated.